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Golden Absorbent Ground 16oz - Watercolor base 473ml
Capacity: 473ml (16oz)
• A liquid acrylic adhesive with a light consistency.
• When dry, it forms a porous, paper-like surface on many different surfaces.
• Highly absorbent when dry.
• Use on canvas allows for watercolor and tinted effects.
• High light fastness, long lasting and flexible.
Usable surface: Canvas, cardboard, wood or some sturdy surface, etc.

User manual: Use a brush or roller to apply evenly on the drawing surface. You can mix it with water to increase the flatness and smoothness of the surface with a ratio of 1:4 (25% water). After the first layer is completely dry (8-12 hours), mix water and base glue at a ratio of 1:5 for the second layer of glue.

Must be used on porous and rough, "toothy" surfaces, such as Gesso to ensure proper and secure grip of the product. After drying, it forms a permanent, quite thin film, so cover with varnish to protect the painting from dust and light.
If you apply too many layers or paint when the glue is not completely dry, it can crack the base layer. Can be fixed by mixing base glue with Golden Light Molding Paste.
Absorbent Ground is a fluid acrylic medium that dries to a porous, paper-like surface. Applied over gessoed canvas, it facilitates raw canvas-like staining and watercolor effects. Lightfast, permanent and flexible. This is a Health Labeled (HL) Product, and not for use by children.(Item# 3555)

Golden Absorbent Ground 16oz - Watercolor base 473ml

  • Golden Artits Colors (or Golden) is a very famous painting brand from the US headquartered in New Berlin, New York and founded in 1980. Golden focuses on producing colors and is very popular with many artists. Artists and artists trust it with Golden acrylic, Williamsburg oil paint, QoR watercolor, etc.

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