Thickened Linseed oil Winsor & Newton | Họa phẩm 62
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Thickened Linseed oil - Thickened Linseed oil

Brand: Winsor & Newton

Designed in the UK and manufactured in France

Capacity: 75ml


- The oil takes a long time to dry, is darker and thicker than other types of flax

- Increases durability, smoothness and gloss of the color layer when dry.

- Can be mixed with solvents to create a color clarifying solvent.

- Ideal for "glazing" and detailing techniques.

Details: Similar characteristics to linseed oil but dries faster and darker in color. Can be mixed with a solvent to create a color clarifying solvent.

Thickened Linseed oil Winsor & Newton

SKU: 3021750

Winsor & Newton (abbreviated as W&N) is one of the leading famous painting brands from the UK and has a very long history - 191 years. Founded in 1832 when William Winsor combined scientific technology and artistic creativity with paint to create trusted products for artists.

W&N was awarded its first Royal Warrant by Queen Victoria in 1841 and has been authenticated ever since. To date, Winsor & Newton has been protected by the Prince of Wales and chosen to be the paint brand for the Royal family.

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